KEMTEC AFRICA manufactures and distribute specialized & commodity FLOTATION REAGENT technologies to the African market with a high degree of technical service and competence.

Manufacturer & Supplier of Mining Chemicals and Flotation Reagents
KEMTEC AFRICA is part of a Global Group of specialized mineral processing reagent companies, located in USA, Australia, Mexico & China, to specifically service the AFRICAN continent & Market space.
Through this partnership, KEMTEC AFRICA manufactures and distribute specialized & commodity FLOTATION REAGENT technologies to the African market with a high degree of technical service and competence.
Focused on Flotation Reagents, Technical and Commercial Excellence, through our People, our Products and HSE considerations, for our African based Customers.
Health and Safety considerations in our Products and Services are the core of who we are and our offering.
People are in the centre of what we do. Shared customer experience from R&D to Industrial Flotation Operations.
Brining focused people & products to your flotation operation and to your unique mineralogical challenges.
Technical services
From Fundamental Chemistry to Industrial Operational Application.
Kemtec Africa supplies a full range of both specialty and commodity chemicals to meet your needs. Please click on the category of products you are interested in for further information.